

The PostFinance Acquiring Processor allows you to directly connect to the PostFinance acquiring system. This means that you only need a contract with PostFinance for the acquiring and no other contract to accept payments for PostFinance Card and PostFinance E-Finance. In other words cost wise you will only pay addionally for the acceptance fee there will be no additional monthly or transaction fee.

The prices and conditions can be found on the PostFinance E-Payment page.


Please note that the PostFinance payment methods (PostFinance E-Finance and PostFinance Card) are local payment methods in Switzerland.

1.2Requesting a Contract

You can request your PostFinance acquiring contract directly online.

Please make sure that you select as Payment Service Provider from the list.

This link will take you to the pre-register form. After you signed up for the acquiring contract you will be contacted by PostFinance. A signup form will be sent to you in order to complete the contract signing process.

In case you need guidance with the Signup form get in touch with PostFinance. Once you returned the form an acquiring contract will be setup for you. As part of this setup process you will receive a merchant ID. This merchant ID has to be configured in the processor configuration. There are no costs involved for signing an acquiring contract. It is also possible to have multiple contracts for the same bank account.


Once you completed the Signup you will receive a Merchant ID. This Merchant ID normally has the format PFYP00100000001.

In order to configure the processor you have two options to set it up. They are described below:

2.1Use the Setup Assistant

You have the option to setup your account by using the setup assistant in your space. The setup assistant will create the necessary steps for you to accept payments. All you have to do is to fill out the required credentials when asked.

Below you find the necessary setup steps without using the setup assistant. All you will need to provide here is the MerchantID once you received it and you are ready for the production mode.

2.2Create A Processor Configuration

In case you do not want to use the Setup Assistant proceed as follows. In order to configure the PostFinance Acquiring processor navigate to Space > Payment > Configuration > Processors. Type PostFinance Acquiring into the list and start to configure the processor.

2.2.1Operation Mode

The operation mode lets you choose between the test and the production mode mode. In the test mode you are able to test the integration without doing live transactions. As soon as you finished your tests you can switch into the production mode.

You can only process live transactions in case you have a live account.

2.2.2Configure Merchant ID

In case you are ready for live processing. Switch the Operation Mode to Production and type the MerchantID you received into the field.

2.3Configure Payment Method and Connector

Once you stored the processor configuration you can directly select the connector that you want to configure. Select the different payment connectors and the system will automatically create the payment methods and the corresponding connector configuration. If you want to go back onto this configuration wizzard just open the processor and click on configure connectors on the top right corner.

More information about the processor concept have a look at our Payment Documentation.