Bogus Processor
#1448256458282 The Bogus processor helps to test the integration by adding connectors which can be used for testing without actually forwarding the transaction to a real processor. This way different scenarios can be tested.
Bogus Processor
Bogus Processor
Onsite Connectors
American Express The American Express for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the American Express payments including failure scenarios.
Dankort The Dankort for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the Dankort payments including failure scenarios.
Diners Club The Diners Club for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the Diners Club payments including failure scenarios.
Direct Debit (SEPA) The Direct Debit (SEPA) for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the payment method Direct Debit (SEPA) including failure scenarios.
Invoice The Invoice for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the payment method Invoice including failure scenarios.
Mastercard The Mastercard for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the Mastercard payments including failure scenarios.
Visa The Visa for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the Visa payments including failure scenarios.
Offsite Connectors
American Express The American Express for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the American Express payments including failure scenarios.
Dankort The Dankort for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the Dankort payments including failure scenarios.
Diners Club The Diners Club for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the Diners Club payments including failure scenarios.
Mastercard The Mastercard for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the Mastercard payments including failure scenarios.
Visa The Visa for the Bogus processor allows to test the integration of the Visa payments including failure scenarios.